本會宗旨 Our Mission

本會創立於1997年,由幾位愛好中國書畫之退休人士雅興而自組為「蘭誼書畫學會」 , 藉此吸納更多書畫朋友共同學習,互相砌磋,結翰墨良緣, 讓中國幾千年之詩書畫篆等國粹,能在中國以外的土地,繼續發揚光大,薪火相傳。

Back in 1997,  a handful of Chinese Brush Art lovers enjoyed meeting regularly in downtown Toronto to share their painting and calligraphy  as a show and tell. They informally called themselves the "Lan Yee" Club. (This name has a historical attachment referring to centuries back in China when a group of literati also met in friendship to do art, share art and enjoy art.)  This small group did attract additional members. They then decided to work harder with the greater objective of promoting Chinese Brush Art in Toronto so that Chinese culture can continue to spread, grow and be passed on even outside China.
This becomes our Association's formal Mission : to share, promote and spread Chinese Brush Art to all.

改名承繼 Change of Name

發展下, 會員日漸眾多,理事局認為本會有註册必要, 遂於2011年4月向加拿大安省政府登記註册為一非牟利團體,並改名為「加拿大安省中國書畫學會」。 透過羣策羣力,推廣書畫藝術,吸納同好,繼續為廣大書畫愛好者服務。

With membership growing fast, the Management took the organization to a higher level. In April 2011 we registered with Ontario Incorporation as a non-profit body under the new name <Chinese Brush Art Association of Canada>. As a body corporate, the group enjoys the increased strength of the team and capably promote Chinese brush art.

入會資格 Membership Requirement

凡對中國書畫藝術、中國文化有興趣人士,願承諾接受本會章程,  則不分國藉,不分年齡性别,不分地區,均可申請加入為會員,會藉是終身有效。

Membership is open to any, irrespective of age, background and ethnic origin,  who loves and respects Chinese Brush Art and Chinese Culture and is willing to abide by our Articles of Association. 

會員精英 Members Elite 

在理事局與眾會員共同努力下,會務蒸蒸日上,並獲得廣大的書畫界認同及支持。發展至2017年中,會員已逾二百多名,當中不乏資深書畫名家、導師。書畫活動頻繁,會員與會之間,  情誼日進, 大家發揮團體精神。

As of early 2022, membership reached 236, many of whom are renowned and seasoned brush art artists and instructors. The group continues to grow strong and healthy, winning support and recognition from the Art Community.

管理層 Management Team

學會管理層為理事局理事局由會員推選產生,理事局通過任命,設會長、副會長、 外事秘書、内務秘書、總務組、財務組、康樂組、雅集组、講座組、會員事務組、出版組、會務策劃組等,並有多位資深書畫名家担任本會顧問,指導方向。   

Members of The Board of Directors are elected by the Life Members of our Association, whilst the Board elects its President and Vice Presidents from its own. Job responsibility is specifically assigned among the Board Members to run the specific functions and events of the Association. We also have a panel of Consultants to offer us advice and direction.

經常活動 Regular Activities


Art Symposiums, Seminars, Art classes, Presence in Community Events, Workshops, Art Publications, Annual Outdoor, Annual Dinner, various exhibitions etc.

本會簡介 About Our Association